Your Life
with Expert
Your Life
with Expert
Given there is a range of procedures that are considered psychotherapy, arriving at a complete definition for the word is difficult. However, it is safe to say, the psychotherapy offered at our practice is a process whereby psychological problems are treated through communication and relationship factors between the individual and therapist. It is much more than talking about your problems. Most people have friends and family who can help you feel better with advice and listening, this is not psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a professional relationship between a therapist and a client that is based on therapeutic principles, structure and techniques. It differs from other relationships in several ways, where the emphasis placed on different components determined by what the individual needs are and the therapist’s academic orientation background and aligning this into goals to help the individual feel better. Goals will be defined in the assessment phase collaboratively to bring the most from treatment.
- Grow through Individual Therapy
- Connect in Couples Therapy
- Find household harmony with Family Therapy
- Empower your child to build skills though Play Therapy
- Restore your vitality with Accelerated Resolution and Emotional Freedom Therapy
You may also be curious about therapy in general – we have discussed our perspectives on a few of the most common modalities used in psychotherapy.
Types of Therapy
This combines Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy and encourages clients to draw on their own ability to develop the skills to change destructive patterns of behavior. Negative ways of thinking are explored in structured and directive ways, involving diary-keeping, progress charts, etc.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses specifically on behavioral patterns that have a negative impact on mood. This is achieved by focusing on the thoughts behind behaviors and the development of a treatment plan to enable the client to change the thoughts and consequential behaviors. The changes are usually targeted in the client’s environment where triggers are identified and managed effectively. This form of intervention is typically short-term with a treatment plan identified when a clinical assessment has been carried out.
Uses the power of the mind to influence behavior. It is based on the theory that previous experiences can damage self-image and this can affect attitude, emotions and ability to deal with certain situations. It works by helping the client to identify, question and change poor mental images of themselves, thus altering negative responses and behavior. It can help pessimistic or depressed people to view things from a more optimistic perspective.
DBT was developed from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The main aim of CBT is to change behavior, which is done by applying techniques with a focus on problem-solving, such as homework, diary cards and behavioral analysis. However, some people felt uncomfortable with the strong focus on change and felt that their suffering and apparent loss of control over their lives were not understood. This caused them to become frustrated and even to drop out of treatment. Therapist sought to resolve this by the use of acceptance strategies. Acceptance strategies are added to the process of CBT which means that the therapist explores with their clients an acceptance that their behavior (e.g. self-harming, drinking, etc.), even though damaging in the long term, may be the only way they have learned to deal with intense emotions; and which might have led to positive short term benefits.
EMDR is a form of psychotherapy that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life experiences. EMDR is thought to imitate the psychological state that we enter into when in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Studies show that when in REM sleep, we are able to make new associations between things very rapidly – EMDR may be tapping into this high speed processing mode that we all have but often can’t access. The theory is that EMDR works directly with memory networks and enhances information processing by creating associations between the distressing memory and more adaptive information in other memory networks.
The name is derived from the German for “organized whole”. Developed by Fritz Perls, it focuses on the whole of the client’s experience, including feelings, thoughts and actions. The client gains self-awareness in the `here and now’ by analyzing behavior and body language and talking about bottled up feelings. This approach often includes acting out scenarios and dream recall.
Humanistic & Integrative Psychotherapy is based on the philosophy that the client has the ability to integrate their life experiences when facilitated in a safe, confidential environment. The counsellor provides a non-judgmental, unconditional approach and environment which enables clients to grow in their acceptance of themselves and a belief in their innate ability to achieve balance in their life. This form of psychotherapy is usually long-term (20+ sessions).
Is a specific way of intentionally paying attention. One negative thought can lead to a chain reaction of negative thoughts. This approach encourages people to be aware of each thought, enabling the first negative thought to be ‘caught’ so that is seen as just a ‘thought’ and not a fact. This breaks the chain reaction of negative thoughts giving a mental ‘space’ in which the person can re-center themselves in the present. Mindfulness-based therapists can work with individuals and groups and will usually integrate mindfulness into another modality, in which they are already trained. Mindfulness is likely to appeal to therapists who have developed a long-term meditation practice.
Devised by Carl Rogers and also called “Client-Centered” or “Rogerian” counselling. This is based on the assumption that a client seeking help in the resolution of a problem they are experiencing, can enter into a relationship with a counsellor who is sufficiently accepting and permissive to allow the client to freely express any emotions and feelings. This will enable the client to come to terms with negative feelings, which may have caused emotional problems, and develop inner resources. The objective is for the client to become able to see himself as a person, with the power and freedom to change, rather than as an object.
This is based on the work of Sigmund Freud, who believed that the unacceptable thoughts of early childhood are banished to the unconscious mind but continue to influence thoughts, emotions and behavior. “Repressed” feelings can surface later as conflicts, depression, etc. or through dreams or creative activities. The analyst seeks to interpret and make acceptable to the client’s conscious mind, troublesome feelings and relationships from the past. “Transference” onto the analyst, of feelings about figures in the client’s life, is encouraged. This type of therapy is often used by clients suffering high levels of distress and can be a lengthy and intensive process.
Psychodynamic therapy focuses on difficulties arising from early childhood that remain unresolved. The Counsellor helps the client to resolve the conflict by creating the environment where the person feels safe enough to talk about their early life and to express feelings and thoughts that have not been released before, and which have resulted in dysfunctional behavioral patterns and relationships. This form of therapeutic intervention typically takes some time in the region of 1-2 years of weekly sessions of one-hour (50 minutes) duration.
Systemic & Family Therapy considers the distress of the individual client in the context of relationships within the family unit and society. This form of therapy focuses on the interaction of the individual with others and seeks to discover meaning and understanding of self and wider system. Typically, this form of therapy is also longer term.